A Touch of Whimsy

Dear parents of my son’s future friends,

I sincerely apologise in advance. I’m sorry because I’m slowly starting to realise that I may be that crazy over-the-top parent with too much time on their hands. The one that goes a little overboard sometimes and that everyone loves to hate. We all know the type: the one parent that is the first to get the latest fangled thing for their kids, forcing every other parent to either follow suit or make up stories as to why they can’t have this particular toy.

HelloBOWSERS! Fairy House

Before I even had kids, I was gathering reasons, excuses, stories to have in my back pocket for the times my kids would come home from said parent’s house, with questions like “Why did Santa bring Tommy a real Jeep replica PowerWheels and only brought me a stuffed bear and new pajamas?” or “How come the tooth fairy gave Lucy $50 and I got five bucks?”.  Well, I’m sorry because your children are going to wonder why they don’t have a storybook style fairy portal in their home and your answer can be “because C’s Mom is a psycho”. It’s ok, I take full responsibility.


The fact is, it rained one weekend while my child was with his grandparents and I didn’t know what else to do but to take a store bought fairy door and turn it into an excuse to keep my future-self entertained. “Now I have one more thing I can decorate for Christmas, Halloween, Birthdays. Now my kids will have something to discover over and over again with surprise notes and visits, now I have more reasons to buy little seasonal furniture to prove the fairy is with the times…” and round and round we go.

I’m so sorry.

But look what I made!


Once I knew what size I wanted the little house to be, the hubs and I strapped our toddler into his bike seat and we all set off to find a sheet of bark, hopefully just laying around, to clad the back wall. I outwardly deemed it as a nice to have, not exactly necessary, but when I found the perfect size sheet on a fallen log, I realised it was far more important than I was admitting! I was ecstatic and for good reason! I think it totally makes the entire thing!


Next, we set out in the rain (thank god I have a patient partner) to find some branches to incorporate. I wanted the fairy to have maximum decorating potential, so a tree to hang banners, bats or balloons from, was key!

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We chose to put our fairy door outside the kid’s bedrooms in the hallway where we can watch them interact with it. I’m looking forward to them discovering that the fairy has visited by turning the light on!


And now we sit back and watch the magic happen! So exciting…….and sorry…..again.


UPDATE: Our favourite fairy paid us a visit late last night and did a little festive decorating!



    1. These are a bit tricky to reproduce because of the bark. I literally send Andrew to the path out back to scrounge the fallen trees for bark. We’re trying to find an alternative, like wallpaper possibly, so these reproduce quicker, easier and more reliably. The environment simply can’t sustain this piece lol, so I’ll take any and all ideas!


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